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服装 (衬衫, T恤, 连衣裙 等)
分类 样式 详情 重量(g)
Women's Apparel Shirt Short-sleeve 160-200
Long-sleeve 200-300
Long-sleeve(Denim/corduroy) 300-450
T-shirt Short-sleeve 150-200
Long-sleeve 200-250
Long-sleeve-(plus long) 250-350
Dress Short-sleeve 180-250
Long-sleeve 250-400
Denim-Dress 400-500
Suit - 300-500
Sweater Cardigan(autumn) 220-280
Cardigan(winter) 400-550
Sweater Vest 300-450
Sweater(Long-sleeve) 400-650
Hoodie Autumn 550
Winter(thickening) 750
Jacket Autumn/down Jacket 400-700
Winter(Wollen/Denim/Leather/PU) 600-900
Coat Wollen/Fur Coat 1100-1300
Cotton Coat 900-1100
Wind Coat Autumn 250-350
Winter 400-500
Pants Summer 200-300
Winter 300-450
Jeans Autumn 450-600
Winter 600-800
Men's Apparel ≈120% of the weight of adult woman
Kid's Apparel ≈70% of the weight of adult woman
衣服配件 (腰带, 围巾/披肩, 帽子等)
分类 样式 详情 重量(g)
Apparel Accessories Belt Narrow Belt 200-250
Wide Belt 300-450
Scarf/Shawl Spring/Autumn 100-200
Winter 240-300
Hat Spring/Autumn 100-200
Winter 200-350
Gloves Knit Gloves 100-180
Leather/PU Gloves 250-350
鞋子 (平底鞋、高跟鞋、靴子等)
分类 样式 详情 重量(g)
Women's Shoes Flat Shoes - 250-400
High Heels - 400-1200
Boots - 800-1600
Sports - 800-1400
Men's Shoes ≈120% of the weight of adult woman
Kid's Shoes ≈70% of the weight of adult woman
分类 样式 详情 重量(g)
Bag Wallet - 250-350
Hand Bag Canvas Bag 300-500
PU Bag 500-800